Hello. My name is Cathal McCarron and I'm a U2 fan.
Welcome to the website for my book about both: about me, and about U2. It's my story set against the backdrop of their career.
"I think U2 fans will love it" efdeat @U2 Forum
I've been a U2 fan since 1985, when I was a twelve year old boy growing up in Derry in Northern Ireland, and like millions of people I fell under Bono's spell whilst watching Live Aid on TV. And they've been with me down all the days ever since, providing the musical accompaniment to many big, small, important and irrelevant moments in my life. This is the story of the many places where, the many times when, and the many ways how, U2 have inspired, entertained, influenced and enraged me: with their music, their lyrics,
their concerts and their concepts.
"You have described the full range of emotions that I have felt many times on listening to
U2's music - and made me laugh out loud too!" Scott
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